Sunday Reset

"Time flows in a strange way on sundays"

-Haruki Murakami

I love Sundays. Sundays have become my new fave. It's a day I personally use to get my life in order to start off the week on a good foot. If I don't use Sunday to prep for the week, I usually end up having a hard week and trying to play catch up.

On Sundays, I like to tidy up the house first thing in the morning. The kids clean their rooms and I just put everything back in place that was moved throughout the week. This process probably takes about 2 hours out of the day.

We try to do our grocery shopping on Saturdays so that we can meal prep on Sundays. So we meal plan and meal prep. I wrote a few blog posts here and here on our meal planning and prepping process.

This has been a game-changer for our family because we know what we're going to eat throughout the week and we can just grab and go. We don't have to think about it and we don't have to prep or cook for lunches or breakfast.

After the meal planning and meal prepping, I take a look at our calendars and plan my week ahead accordingly. This allows me to plan out when I work on my blog, my podcast, and my school assignments. This 10-15 minutes also helps me to make sure I'm not forgetting any important appointments for the week.

I then like to plan our homeschool week and gather everything we're going to need for the week. I can typically get this done in an hour or less.

I then take some time to myself to wash my hair and to do my self-care routine.

After I've taken some time for myself I'll then wash my daughter's hair and do her hair for the week.

By this time, it's early afternoon and our house is in order and ready to go for the week.

We'll watch a family movie or play some games together before dinner. We'll then make dinner, do baths and get ready for bed.

Sundays are for prepping. And once all the prep is done, we just hang out and recover together as a family.

We've recently implemented no tech Sundays. This is the only day of the week where the kids don't get screen time unless we're doing a family movie. It's been a little hard but they're getting better at finding something to do with their time.

I know some people like to have lazy Sundays, are you the type to do nothing on Sunday or use your Sunday for preparing for the week?

love & light,
