How to Create a Cozy Book Nook for Kids

We love reading in this house. If you come over you will see that we have books in every nook and cranny, including the bathroom! It taking some time to develop a love of books but if you want some tips and tricks, you read how to foster a love for reading here.

Now I know we said we have books all over the place but I made sure to include a cozy reading nook in each of my littles rooms.

When creating a cozy book nook you want it to fit your child’s personality.

Think about a cute chair, bean bag, and lots of pillows or stuffed animals. Some cool lights or a tent is a fun idea to add to your child’s book nook.

Always make sure that the books are within reach. So for your toddlers, think about book spaces that are low to the ground. For older kids or even taller kids, consider taller bookcases (please keep in mind fall risks and anchor any bookshelves to the wall).

Book baskets are always popular in book nooks, as well as, book ledges. These displays of books make it easy enough to change out the books seasonally if that’s your thing.

It doesn’t take much to create a book nook and you probably have everything already at home.

I’ve included some ideas for you to get started. Each picture reflects my youngest who's 19 months, my preschooler who is 3, almost 4, and my soon-to-be preteen who is almost 10.

Let me know how your child’s book nook comes along!

love & light


Also, don’t worry if your child doesn’t have a lot of books. You don’t need a lot of books to set up a book nook for them. I’ve included ways to grow your home library here.