What's In My Diaper Bag?

I have become the mom that less is more now that I have two toddlers that need stuff when we’re out and about. I’ve made sure my own personal stuff is minimal (you can see more here) and I’ve made sure that what’s in my diaper bag is minimal.

So what’s in my diaper bag?

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I recently updated my diaper bag to something a little more stylish. I am obsessed with this diaper bag. It has tons of storage and space for everything I need to carry for two toddlers. There are multiple strap attachments depending on how you like to carry your diaper bag.

So I obviously have diapers, pull-ups, and wipes. I carry 2 diapers per child. I keep extras in our car crate. I also keep extra clothes in our car crate as well.

I have a portable first aid kit. This kit includes everything we use on a daily. And trust me, I have used this first aid kit quite a bit.

I also carry our favorite bug spray and sunscreen. If you have not learned this mom hack yet, I highly recommend using a makeup brush to help apply sunscreen to your littles. It is a game-changer.

I also keep a few granola bars, applesauce pouches, extra masks for everyone, lip balm, and hand sanitizer.

We have a book and toy bin in the car but I do have one board book that I like to keep in the diaper bag for emergencies.

Other than that, that’s it!

As I said, we keep everything very minimal over here. For anything we don’t have in our diaper bag, we keep it in our car crate. You see what’s in our car crate here.

Are you the type to keep all the things in your diaper bag or do you like to keep it pretty simple?

love & light,
