What's In My Car Crate?

I have learned over the years as the number of kids I have increased, I needed to have a crate with a few essentials to keep in the back of the car. I purchased these collapsible crates from Crate Made and filled it with items that would help me out in a pinch.

Here’s what’s in my care crate:

  1. Roadside Emergency Assistance Kit: I have roadside assistance through my car insurance but sometimes having this kit can be faster than waiting for assistance. It has everything I need if I was ever stuck on the side of the road, no matter the weather, which is important!

  2. First aid kit: You never know when you’ll need one of these.

  3. Extra Diapers & wipes

  4. A weather-appropriate outfit with socks for each of my kids.

  5. Non-perishable snacks

  6. Baby Carrier: I don’t often carry my stroller with me because it is huge but I always keep my carrier in the car for when I need to carry my youngest one.

  7. Extra Ziploc bags: I use these for trash or any dirty diapers or clothes.

  8. Reusable Grocery bags: I’m always forgetting these so I keep a stash in my car.

  9. Car Vacuum: My kids are messy! And I don’t own a handheld vacuum and I can’t always go to a car wash so I purchased this car vacuum and it works great to clean up messes.

  10. Activities: I keep some books and activities in the car for my kids. I’ll link the post here so you can see what activities we keep in the car.

This has been the best thing I’ve ever done and I have used basically everything at least more than once. I double-check it about once every other month just to make sure I’m not running low on any supplies.

Do you keep a car crate? If so, what’s inside?

love & light,
