Checking In: My 2018 Goals

October is more than halfway gone and there are only 2 months left in the year, which typically tend to be the busiest months of the year! So, how have you been doing on your 2018 goals that you set earlier this year? It’s better late than never to check in on yourself and see where you are and what you can accomplish before the year is over.

  1. Start My Email Newsletters: I have my monthly newsletters up on the blog but I want to make my way into your inbox. haha. So I’m thinking about doing my monthly newsletter and then a blog post check in type of thing once a month so that we all stay current and updated.I won’t spam anyone! This will most likely be launched in December.

  2. Read 25 Books: I read 15 books last year and I am currently at 16 and in the process of reading 2, so I am for sure this goal will be accomplished. I started off the year, reading 6 books in one month and then once Jaxon came, my reading slowed quite a bit.

  3. Take More Weekend/Day Trips: DONE! We have been exploring and doing so much. Much of it is local, but we just planned a day trip to Maryland for a Renaissance festival and another mini road/day trip to Natural Bridge State Park.

  4. Tech-less Sundays: This has not been going so well. My husband is in the tech field, so he is always on his phone or the computer, and my daughter is always shouting “CAN WE WATCH A MOVIE!” We did start analog date nights, so we talk, play board games, and read together. We thought getting rid of cable would help, but my daughter didn’t quite catch the memo.

  5. Design a Tote Bag: I’ve always wanted to do this, but in the stage of life I’m in currently, I’m not sure anymore. I know I want to do it but it won’t happen this year.

  6. Make Our House Feel More Like Home: I wrote this when we were living in DC and living in a house, but we ended up moving at the beginning of summer. But our apartment is mostly all together and feels very cozy and inviting.

  7. Be Consistent!: I have not been consistent with my blog this year because a million and billion things have been happening and it was always my blog that got put on the back burner. I am ending the year out strong and have been consistently blogging since September and I am more than motivated. I love this blogging groove I’ve been in.

Overall, I would say I’m ending the year off strong! So can you!

Love & Light,
