Moving Back Home

It's our last week in our house in DC and it is feeling pretty bittersweet. I remember three years ago not even wanting to move to DC, to falling in love with the city within a week. It definitely has its hits and its misses but nonetheless, DC has been our home for the last three years. 

Unfortunately, we are leaving for a list of different reasons that seem to be taking us back home to Virginia. It's easy to get overwhelmed with change and at the same time change is inevitable.

It;s good to know that we'll be closer to friends and family again, and I'll be returning back to work doing what I love. (More on that another time).

So here's to our favorite memories in our DC Home:

Marrying my high school sweetheart in an intimate ceremony with just our parents.

Finding out we were pregnant with our second child.

Trips to Eastern Market on the weekends.

Trying different restaurants, coffee shops, and food trucks.

Being able to walk any and everywhere.

Meeting a variety of different people.

I mean the list could go on and on and on. We had a lot of great memories in this city. Although we are unknown of the future and if we'll be coming back to DC, staying in Virginia, or even moving across the country, we know that God has a plan for us and we're open to it.

Love & Light,
