How to Achieve Your Goals

"At the end of the day, it all started with you."

I am big on goals and planning. It helps me to keep focused and motivated. It also helps with self-reflection and really analyzing am I in a better place than I was last year, last month, yesterday.

So I wanted to share some practical and maybe even some familiar tips on how to achieve the goals you plan.

  1. Having a positive attitude & mindset: I cannot express this enough! You will never accomplish anything if you are a Debbie Downer. It just won't happen. You are putting negative energy out in the universe and that is what the universe will cast back on to you. It starts with your outlook on life, on your situation. You look at the glass half full rather than half empty even when you know the situation sucks. But the more positivity you put out, the more that will come back to you. You have to think differently, which will then inspire you to speak differently, then ultimately to see differently. And don't worry! It takes time. It takes practice. You won't be perfect at it. But with practice, you'll be better. I can go on this topic forever, but the best way I can put it is like this: Rather than looking at a situation as you HAVE to do it, look at it like, you GET to do it.
  2. Organize/declutter: If you have 3,000+ emails sitting in your inbox, I'm talking to you. I have 5 currently in mine. In order to be intentional and to really focus on your goals, you need a fresh canvas. Clean out your emails or your closet. Find a planning solution that works for you. That can be a physical planner, an app on your phone, a calendar, a whiteboard, a notebook, literally whatever works for you. I personally have a planner and then a notebook just for my blog. I declutter my workspaces often, at least once a month, and look at my goal list at least once a week to make sure I'm on track.
  3. Leave room for flexibility: Don't be so gung-ho set on something that when it doesn't happen you stop all your goals from happening. Life happens, so leave some room for when life just so happened to kick you in the ass. And when you've gotten back up, re-evaluate and make adjustments where needed. DON'T JUST QUIT!
  4. Ask for help: Do not be afraid to ask someone who has more experience than you do. I've learned as a blogger, that if I want to get where another blogger is, I need to ask how they got there. Do research. Do not be afraid to ask Google. Read about whatever you are trying to accomplish. If your goal is to eat healthier, get cookbooks. If you want to get into yoga, get a yoga book, or better yet, try a class! If you don't ask, you shall never receive.
  5. Don't underestimate how much you can accomplish: This all leads back to this positive attitude/mindset. If you think you can't do it, then you can't. You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish when you designate the time and energy, even if only for 10 minutes a day, to your goal.
  6. Reward yourself: Like Steven Furtick said in one of his sermons: "win a battle, take a bite." Don't forget you are working hard to accomplish these goals. Reward yourself when you've accomplished that goal or even when you have taken a big step toward that goal. You've earned it.
  7. Have a support system: Surround yourself with those who want to see you succeed. Surround yourself with those who have the same interests and goals as you. Build a community that is inline with your goals, and if they are preventing you, or even doubting you, you have the right to remove them and their negative energy from your community. You should not entertain those who don't support you. 

And there you have it loves. This will be a year full of positive energy for you. This will be the year you stay the path to accomplish everything your heart desires. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay focused. Stay consistent. Speak it into existence.

Love & Light,
