Tips for Traveling with Kids in the Car

We’re used to being in the car for an hour to two hours since we have family in surrounding states, but we were still nervous on how the kids were going to do in the car for 4+ hours! I started reading lots of blog posts and looking up tips and tricks on Pinterest. Then I decided to just wing it with our weekend getaway, because let’s be honest, sometimes that is the best way to learn. It was a success!


So here’s what helped us:

Schedule the time you leave either early in the morning or late at night when you know your kids are usually sleeping. We always travel during nap time because we know at least one kid will be asleep majority of the time. This helps so much! No crying, no whining, just a peaceful car ride.

Have mom or dad sit in the back if needed. This is helpful if you have a baby. Sometimes they just want to see your face. I didn’t actually have to do this while we were driving, but we when we stopped for a break, I would sit in the back with Jaxon and talk with him for a little while.

Go for activity bags rather than electronics. I know it’s easier to hand your child a tablet or a phone during the car ride but we prefer to do without. I get giant Ziploc bags and fill it with coloring sheets, crayons, and different smaller toys or cards for the kids to look at and play with. This is a huge hit for Jordan, because there are so many different activities she can choose from.

Create a family car game such as I spy or Road Trip Bingo. Bingo was a lot more fun than I spy just because by the time you spotted something, we had already drove past it. Then whoever the winner of Bingo is can pick a snack or a small prize.

Pack healthy and easy snacks. Each kid gets their own Ziploc with different snacks that are easy to handle and won’t create a huge mess. Nobody wants a hangry kid and this also prevents you from picking up junk from the rest stop or gas station. This goes for mom and dad too!

With kids, it’s hard to avoid making stops. It’s going to happen so just plan for it. With Waze you can add in a little pit stop, that way everyone can have a potty break and stretch their legs.

Keep and emergency kit in the car and make sure your Emergency Road Service is up to date. The last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road with kids. Pinterest has really great car emergency kit ideas.

Last but not least Have Fun! Turn on some music, sing at the top of your lungs, tell some jokes, have fun conversations and enjoy the ride. A little whining and a little crying is okay, even from you mom and dad.

It’s a road trip after all, and it’s the start of your family vacation! Make the most of it!

Love & Light,
