Sunday Adventure: When We Have Time

"When we have time," we hear that all the time. People are always complaining how there is never enough time and more hours are needed within the day. I'm one of those nagging people. There is plenty of time in a day, we as individuals need to have better use of our time, to create time. It's easy to say "wait a minute," or "maybe next time." Don't make it that easy. Life is too short to constantly put stuff on hold because of time. We created Sunday adventures because we wanted to create time. It's a day of the week that we committ solely to each other and to create a fun experience with adventure.

Sometimes we repeat actions and places we visited, sometimes our plans change into something entirely different and we end up in places we've never been and are doing things we have never done. The importance of these Sunday adventures is to throw away the worries of last week and the due dates of next week and to just focus on the here and now of everything surrounding us.

So I encourage you, pick a specific time each day that can't be interrupted and if you're feeling bold, pick a day, and dedicate that to the time you swear you don't have. Create that time you say doesn't exist and do something you've never done before, and see something you've never seen. Be adventurous and be courageous. Be bold and fun! Life is too short to predict the time we do have and too short to dictate the time we don't have. Create time in the time that you are given, the here and now. Enjoy your sunday adventure.

Love & Light,
