Fun Date Night Ideas at Home

We often times get stuck in the idea that if we're going to go on a date, it has to be us going out somewhere. Well sometimes you don't want to leave your house and sometimes, as a parent, you don't have a babysitter to leave your house. You can have a date at home and it can be just as fun!

One of the best dates my husband ever took me on was a candlelit dinner right in his grandparents' backyard. We were in high school, I just got off of work, and he had made dinner, lit some candles, and set up flowers for a romantic dinner outside. I loved every moment of it because you could see so much care and effort he had put into it.

With a little time, love, and effort, date nights at home will be your favorite kind of date.

  1. Game Night: Grab some snacks, make some bets and grab a variety of board games or even video games for you and your spouse to play. Some friendly competition is always a good thing. This date gives you a chance to talk to your spouse about a variety of things, maybe even go down memory lane when you were both kids, and include some trash talk in there. And if you're not a gamer, try it! You'd be surprised at how much fun you can have.
  2. Movie Night: The great thing about technology today is you can rent movies from your tv or binge watch shows on Netflix. This is a more relaxed kind of date night. Grab some blankets and pillows to set up in the living room, order your favorite takeout, and just relax with you and your partner. To change things up a bit, try watching a really old movie, neither of you has seen before. 
  3. Classic Dinner: Play some nice music, grab some wine, and cook dinner together. Try making something the two of you have never made before. Pinterest is great for recipes. Dance, laugh and have some fun in the kitchen. One of my favorite things to do is cook with my spouse.
  4. Camping Indoors: Pitch a tent or make one, grab some blankets, light some candles, and put away the technology. Act like little kids again, pretending to camp in the forest, just talking and telling ghost stories. Eat food you would only eat on a camping trip. Step it up a notch and go for a hike that morning.

Simplistic dates can be the most fun. I just think spending some one on one quality time with your significant other can be the most fun.

Love & Light,
