Fredericksburg Children's Museum

Since living back in Virginia, it’s a little harder to find spontaneous things to do for the kids, especially since we’re so used to walking to everything. Now it kind of takes a little more planning and of course using a car.

One place we really enjoy taking the kids is to the Fredericksburg Children’s Museum. We love taking them so much we ended up purchasing an annual membership. Financially it was the smartest thing for us to do. It’s $9 per person, (including adults) children under 1 are free and if you are a member it is free. Memberships are $140 for a year. Well worth it.

The kids can literally spend hours here. You can come and go throughout the day and bring outside food! Perfect place to throw a birthday party or to set up a play date or a rainy day activity to get the kids out of the house.

The museum encourages different ways of learning and child development with different ways of playing and creativity. There are so many different exhibits for the kids to explore and of course everything is hands on!

There’s a closed off area for smaller babies to kind of separate them from the older kids. Jaxon and I spend a lot of our time here when we go without Jordan. When Jordan is with us, he’s too busy chasing her around. There’s a “sand” box, grocery store, dentist office, bank, gas station, construction zone on a new house, tire mountain, reading room, arts and crafts room, and I think that’s it. Basically no kid should ever say they are bored when visiting. Kids like to change up what they do often so it makes it easy for them to switch things up and go play somewhere else.

There’s a children’s museum in Richmond as well and I think soon we’re going to take a trip down there and see what that one is all about. I honestly love watching the kids’ minds run wild with imagination as they are running around from one exhibit to the next. Every now and then we’ll pause to go to the eating area for a quick snack or lunch we brought from home. They do sell snacks as well and some really amazing toys at a discount for members.

If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend checking it out.

Love & Light,
