
I created this little piece of the internet to really share my life experiences with others. I find that I learn best when I hear other's stories. Some stories I can completely relate to, some I only take certain pieces from, and some I have no connection to but it helped the person who told it. I'm slowly learning that it's important to have community in life. To love as much as possible and to learn as much as possible. You get more out of life that way, at least that's my personal opinion. Life is a learning experience that should be shared. I know I have learned a lot and I have even more to learn. I'll never stop learning. And I created this blog to share with you and I hope you share with me in return. I hope you can relate or that you take pieces away from my posts. If you don't relate at all, it helped me, because I felt the need to write it.

You'll see a lot of lifestyle posts because we're sharing life experiences, right? You'll see some beauty and style, because they're big passions of mine and I'm not an expert or a guru so I can relate to the everyday person who just wants to wear something comfortable and stylish and who just wants a product that works without breaking the bank.

So grab some coffee or tea, I'm a big fan of both, browse around my website and check out my about page. You may find something that will tickle your interest.

Love & Light,

