Baby Shower Gift Guide: The Essentials

Having a baby is the most exciting time and it makes it even more exciting because of how tiny all the baby things are! It can also get very overwhelming. I literally found myself crying inside BUYBUYBaby because there were so many double stroller options. I know the associate there thought I was crazy! Anyways, the point is, as a new mom, you don’t really need as much as you think for the new babe. At least not for the first few months. All baby is going to do is sleep, eat, poop, and repeat.

So I made it easy for you, I rounded up all of the essentials that new mama is going to need for her new baby and things that are practical and will make her life a whole lot easier.

Let’s start with the basics, D I A P E R S ! You can never go wrong with purchasing diapers, wipes, and diaper cream. The average newborn goes through about 10 diapers a day! Mind-blowing right? So those store runs to grab diapers can add up very quickly. Buy diapers in NB, 1 and even size 2 for the new mom to be.

Hygiene Bath Sets. These are great gifts because it gives mom a chance to see what works best for her and her baby’s skin. They typically come with lotion and baby wash. I love the ones by Burt’s Bees and the Honest Company. Make it a whole spa set by throwing in some baby washcloths and hooded towels.

Socks, mittens and basic onesies in size 0-3 months and 3-6 months are essentials! They get ruined, lost, or outgrown very quickly. Don’t forget to make it a set by throwing in some baby laundry detergent and stain remover.


Buy the new mom a digital thermometer and newborn first aid kit. These are so handy to have, and if mom gets more than one, she can throw the extra one in her car or diaper bag.

Bottles, nipples, and burp cloths are nice to have if you know mom will be formula feeding or pumping and returning back to work. Even buying breastmilk storage bags are nice to receive.

Buy prenatal, postnatal and mother’s milk tea for the new mom. These are essential vitamins she still will need to take even after having the baby.

Gift cards for groceries or meal delivery services. No mom with a newborn wants to go out grocery shopping after pushing out a new baby or to even think about what’s for dinner.

The toys, teethers, playmats, safety plugs, high chairs, etc. are nice gifts to receive but they aren’t essentials. Mom won’t need those for at least 2 to 3 months down the road.

Start with the essentials and then gift the fun stuff. Because if we’re being honest, who can avoid purchasing that cute avocado teether or fun cloud themed play mat!?

If you are an expecting mom, I did create a checklist of things to add to your baby registry, you can check that out here. Use it as a guide of things you don’t want to forget for your new baby.

Love & Light,
