Preschool Mid-Year Check-In

So we are officially halfway through the school year and I will be the first to admit that we have dropped the ball with preschool. Between moving, the holidays, a snowstorm, and being sick we have been doing less of the learning stuff and more playing. Don’t get me wrong, kids learn tons through just playing. It’s amazing what they pick up through everyday conversations and observations. I was just really looking forward to diving more into the curriculum that I purchased.

We are now out of the thick of it and things have started to slow down, so we are slowly getting back into a daily rhythm. Our day still mostly consists of playschool. We focus a lot on moving our bodies with yoga, mindfulness, gymnastics, and walking.

Although we are in the middle of winter, we try to go outside for at least 30 minutes at a minimum. Usually, it’s only for 15 minutes at a time. I recently downloaded the 1000 Hours Outside app and I’ve been tracking our time outdoors through there. I’m sure we will log a lot more hours once the below-freezing temperatures disappear.

We’ve been reading a ton of books. I have a basket in our living room where we switch out different books depending on the season and holidays. I recently packed away our Christmas books and now we have out our winter books, and soon I’ll put out our Black History books.

My kids are really into games so I picked up a few games and puzzles that we make sure to rotate through daily.

Although our days are mostly play-based, we still talk a lot, and as I mentioned he’s still picking up so much and learning a lot. Because my daughter is 2 and so close in age, she’s been participating in playschool and is picking up a lot as well.

We still are reaching for the things I mentioned in my tot/preschool post (I’ll link it here). However, just not as much. I’m excited to see how the second half of the year will go. I’m looking forward to more field trips and lots more hands-on activities and experiments.

As much as I love a good curriculum, I think play school is a little more important right now.

How’s your homeschool year going? Anything you’ve switched up recently?

love & light,
