Children's Book Talk: 005

With my toddler being into books a lot more, the more children's book talks you will see! Especially board books because they are a little bit more durable and my toddler is ROUGH with books. There have been a lot of book casualties lately, so if you have any book repair tips, let me know!

So here’s what we’ve been reading:

  1. I Am Sam-I-AM - This is such a cute and condensed version of the classic Dr. Seuss’s book Green Eggs and Ham. The original is way too long to read but this little board book does the trick. My toddler really enjoys Sam.

  2. Knock, Knock! Who’s There? - This book is as simple as a book can get. It’s a flap book with barn animals. We work on identifying the animals and the sounds they make when we grab this book. It also triggers my toddler to start singing Old MacDonald, so there’s that.

  3. Baby Loves The Five Senses Smell!

  4. Baby Loves The Five Senses Touch!

    These baby love books are our new favorites! They are so cute, diverse, and fun to read. Not only are they engaging and simplistic but very educational. There is a whole series for the five senses and I believe they have a series of the sciences as well.

Tip! One thing we like to do is pick up books from the library and get a sense if my toddler likes the book or not. If my toddler really loves the book then we’ll go ahead and purchase it after returning the library’s copy. If not, then we simply return it to the library and pick up new ones.

What are you and your little one reading?

love & light,
