Activities to Keep Your Toddler Busy

Part One


I am a huge advocate for having activities readily available for your little one when going outside is not an option and you don't want to put them in front of a screen.

I have quite a bit of go-to activities that I like to rotate between and constantly switching things out so this post will be a part of a mini-series.

1. Play-doh: You can use store-bought or make your own (I have yet to try this) but regardless it's a win. It's a fun sensory activity and quite calming to sit and play with the doh. We especially like to bring out a rolling pin, a child-safe knife, and a sheet pan to pretend to bake. Sometimes we make shapes or animals. I can get a minimum of 30 minutes from this activity.

Mess level:6/10

2. Kinect Sand: This is such a genius creation. It's like the beach but without the mess. We put this in a tub, some measuring cups, a child-safe knife, and let my toddler go to play. It's kinetic sand that sticks together and takes shape of whatever you pack it into, like wet sand at a beach. Sometimes we use beach toys. Sometimes he puts toy cars or little figures in it. It's a lot of fun and again a great sensory experience.

Mess level: 6/10

3. Reusable Sticker Books: This is a great activity to spark creativity and imagination. There is this scene, (there are many types, such as a farm, jungle, park, etc.) and then stickers you can attach to the various scenes. The stickers come up and can be used over and over again.

Mess Level:2/10

4. Dry-erase Board & Markers: My toddler isn't into drawing with pencil and paper but loves a good dry-erase board and marker. We practice shapes, letters, numbers, and just drawing. He likes to erase his work and start all over again.

Mess Level:4/10

5. Magna Tiles: These little building "blocks" are so fun! They are magnetic building shapes that stick together and you can build various things. We like to build giant towers and then he'll take an action figure and knock it down. This exact brand is expensive but there are so many other brands now that work great and more affordable. I would say this activity keeps him entertained the longest.

Mess Level:1/10

So those are some of our favorite activities to do. Disclaimer: My toddler is 3, and he has been playing with these since the age of 2, I would say. Play-doh is the one activity we have not been able to have him play with unsupervised because it can get messy real quick (we've had to throw away a whole rug). Take age into consideration. I also have a one-year-old and she participates in the Magna tiles but not the dry erase board and markers.

I would say for the most part all of these activities need some form of supervision involved.

As I mentioned above, this will be a mini-series as I have quite a few more activities to share. I'm thinking once a month.

Have you tried any of the above activities with your little one? What's their favorite?

love & light,
