Children's Book Talk: 004

It is so important to cultivate a diverse collection of children’s books in your child’s book collection. Books with diverse characters do not have to be history books or sub-characters. There are so many books out there where children of all shapes and sizes can see themselves now as the main character in the book they’re reading. So enjoy this diverse series that I am so excited to share with you and your children.


When God Made You

This book is so beautifully written AND illustrated. It instantly became a favorite in our household and we found ourselves reading it almost every night. It is such a creative and thoughtful, rhyme filled book that encourages and inspires young children the power of themselves and how creative and curious God had created them to be. It also encourages such a strong relationship with God and how God specifically made your child and how He knows and loves all of your child’s unique and specific talents and gifts. Guys, it’s a stunning book. I highly recommend it.


When God Made Light

Surprisingly enough, when we were in the hospital when my son was born, my husband and daughter found the sequel to When God Made You, it’s forever been a family favorite of ours. Again, it’s just a beautiful, thought-filled, rhyming book that goes through the creative journey of God creating light and just the encouragement of a child’s curiosity.


Hair Love

I originally discovered this book when the short for this book went viral on the internet. It was so beautiful and my daughter loved to watch it over and over. Once I saw the book I had to grab it. It’s about this dad and he’s trying to do his daughter’s hair, and all of the various hair options out there can be overwhelming. This little girl wanted a specific hairstyle that was done by her mom. The dad didn’t give up and gave his daughter some hair love.


Don’t Touch My Hair

This is such a cute book of a little girl sticking up for herself and her hair. It’s a common thing for people to want to touch another person’s hair, especially a black person’s hair. It is not always appropriate to do so and it is important to create boundaries around it all. it’s a really good lesson for little girls and extremely funny to read as the little girl tries to hide from others touching her hair.


I Am Enough

So poetic! I am obsessed with this book! It is truly a beautiful and poetic book for littles to read and know they are enough as is. It can definitely be used as affirmations for little ones. I love reading this to my daughter and sparking conversations for her to know she is enough as is and to build her confidence because it does start at home.

Also I love the author Grace Byers and everything she does.


Little Leaders Bold Women in Black History

This is just a neat history book to have for little ones. There are so many incredible black women in this book. Some I personally was not aware of. Sometimes we’ll randomly open up this book and pick a woman to read about. It sparks curiosity to learn more about that woman and we start having conversations about who she was and the impact she has or had. A must-have on your little one’s bookshelf. There is also one for bold men in black history as well.


I hope you will pick these books up for you & your little one. I’ll be sharing a lot more diverse children’s books soon.

love & light,
