10 Date Night Ideas for At Home

I am a firm believer in dating your spouse. The dating should NOT stop after marriage. Having kids can make it a bit challenging especially when you don’t have availability to a sitter all the time.

So, I’ve compiled a list of 10 things you can do completely at home with your loved one.

  1. Movie Marathon

  2. Cook a special meal together

  3. Wine Tasting or Cocktail Making

  4. Bake a special treat together

  5. Spa Night: Showers, massages, the whole works!

  6. Have a picnic in the living room

  7. Game Night: Card games, boards games, or even video games

  8. Play 21 questions: you can find tons of different questions online

  9. Read by fire or candlelight

  10. Have a paint & Sip: grab some canvases, paint, and your favorite wine

I hope this gets you inspired to have a fun date night with your spouse. Some of these we have yet to try but are on our personal list.

Here are some more fun date night ideas for at home. If you do have the time for a day date, I’ve shared some ideas here.

Which one do you plan on trying next?

love & light,
