Simple & Inexpensive Holiday DIYs

It's holiday season and for me, I like to do a lot of DIY projects. DIY projects don't have to be elaborate or complicated, or even expensive for that matter. They can look just as good without costing as much and taking up too much of your time. So I'm sharing three simple and inexpensive DIY projects that have made my house a little more festive. 

Ornament Garland

For this first DIY, all you need are some ornaments and a string. I used round ornaments that didn't make it onto the tree and some string I found in our craft bin. All you're going to do is string the ornaments in whatever pattern you desire. That quick and simple. Our new ornament garland is hanging on our curtain rod in the window.

Jar Light

This next DIY project was done by my husband. He had seen the idea somewhere else and wanted to try it out for himself. You're going to need a jar, pine cones, and starry lights.


Where we got ours from:

  • Jar with Christmas Tree: TJMaxx $7.99
  • Pine Cones: Target $5 (You can easily get them outside as well)
  • Starry Lights: TJMaxx $5.99

Now just arrange everything in the jar.

Pine Cone Candle

This DIY is really so simple. You'll need a candle, a saucer, and some pine cones. Set the candles on a saucer and then arrange the pine cones around the candle on the saucer.


And there you have it, my simple and inexpensive holiday DIY projects. The pine cones really make my house smell nice.

I have a DIY Christmas wreath as well and I'll link it here.

