Book Talk: The Woman in the Window

A.J. Finn

"It isn't paranoia if it's really happening..."

This book was a whirlwind of twists that I did not expect. Anna lives in a gorgeous house in New York City, all alone. Her family is not there and all she has is her tenant in the basement. Anna has agoraphobia. She can't leave her house. A few times she has, she has fainted and ended up in the hospital.

So Anna stays inside watching old movies, talking to her cat, and consuming large amounts of wine. Too much wine, many would say. But Anna also has another hobby. She likes to spy on her neighbors. She knows any and everyone on her block and she likes it that way.

She gets new neighbors across the street - the Russells. There is a husband, a wife, and their teenage son. So naturally Anna spies. She spies until she sees something that she shouldn't see. Something she can never unsee and something she refuses to let go of. But honestly, who would believe her. She never comes outside and she's the neighborhood drunk.

Nothing is as straightforward as you think in this book.

You'll keep reading until you uncover every last secret in the book.

So Netflix turned this book into a movie and in my opinion it was crap. It was horrible in what they changed this book to. Some of the changes I didn't understand why they would do such.

If you've read the book and seen the movie, let me know what your thoughts were.

love & light,
