Book Talk: What I Told My Daughter

Lessons from Leaders On Raising the Next Generation of Empowered Women

Edited by Nina Tassler with Cynthia Littleton

"I never fully appreciated the strength of the emotional and intellectual foundation provided by my mother's teachings until the essays collected here gave me insights into the challenges that others have faced."

-Nina Tassler

This quote is so true. We never really understand what our mothers were trying to teach us until we're much older and are in a similar position and have children of our own or when we read the stories of others.

This book is a collection of short essays and letters written by a diverse group of women with all having one thing in common: empowering their daughters.

You read essays from Cecile Richards, Whoopi Goldberg, Susan Love, MD, Gloria Estefan, Laura W. Bush, Sharon Osbourne, and so many other amazing women.

It gives you such a powerful and uplifting look on motherhood and being a woman. It's a book that really shows that we are truly all in this together. We want to raise strong, intelligent women, that know the difference from right and wrong, and who will fight for what is right through and through. 

I believe that in each essay there is some piece that you are able to take a way.

You don't have to be a mother to read this book. You can simply read it for inspiration or for reassurance for everything your mother has tried to instill in you.


"I believe as mothers we need to pack our daughters' backpacks with the supplies necessary to be strong, determined proponent of gender equality. We can't assume that she'll absorb these principles automatically, no matter how many wonderful role models she has in her life. We have to work at teaching those lessons."

-Nina Tassler

if interested, you can purchase this book here.

