3 Things We're No Longer Doing in Our Homeschool Day

I think it is so easy to get lost in the trap of comparison between homeschool moms on the internet. It’s easy to feel like EVERYONE else is doing this, so I should too. The thing I have learned fairly quickly is THAT’S NOT TRUE! Everyone else is not doing it and you’re only getting a small glimpse into that person’s homeschool day. Also, just because someone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you have to too. Your family and your child are different. What’s working for them isn’t necessarily going to work for you and vice versa. So I started off doing a variety of different things honestly because I saw a lot of other homeschool mamas doing it. Now we’re 11 weeks in and I am doing my own thing.

Here’s what we’re no longer doing:

  1. We do not use a morning basket. Morning baskets are the IT thing in the homeschool community and we tried it for a while but it was just not working for us. Every morning is different and we didn’t always have time for the basket or we would forget about the basket altogether. So we ditched it!

  2. We do not start school at the same time every day. I started off with a time-stamped schedule and the only thing that did was make us stressed trying to stick to it. Instead, we’ve created a daily rhythm. It’s an order of things that we do every day but there’s no specific time we have to get things done, leaving room for flexibility.

  3. We’re not committed to unit studies. Unit Studies are so big and they are extremely cool! I have a list of unit studies that I wanted to initially do but as a first-time homeschooler, it was becoming overwhelming trying to figure out how to fit it all in. So we’re uncommitted. We do our unit studies as the very last thing of the day and they’re not done every day or every week. We get to it when we get to it and that is okay by us. Right now we’re doing more seasonal things and we follow any rabbit holes that we see fit and I like it that way.

So there you have it mamas! You don’t have to feel stressed to do it all. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind.

What’s something you’re no longer doing in your homeschool day?

Love & light,
