25 Things to Do With Your Child This Summer

It's my daughter's last full week of school and I'm over here frantically trying to figure out what we're going to do this summer. I'm sure every mama is like "how am I going to keep this child busy all summer without completely losing my mind!?" Well I'm here to help! I've put together 25 things, some very obvious, to do this summer. I know for a fact my child will enjoy these activities and will keep her busy for hours, and I'm sure yours will too.

  1. Crayons & Coloring Books: My child is now at the age where she's learning the beauty of coloring in the lines, and she's loving to color a lot more. It's good for quiet time and for you to do a quick errand around the house. If you color with your child, the activity could last for hours.
  2. Nature Walk: Go for a walk and look for different animals, collect rocks, and pick flowers. It gives you and your child some fresh air and a science lesson.
  3. Camp in the Backyard: If you're not a pro camper like me, pitching a tent in your backyard will give you the feel of camping and the safety of being near home. How fun would it be to sleep outdoors!?
  4. Water Gun Fight: We don't own a pool but we love to play in water and keep cool.
  5. Chalk: It can be used for outside on the sidewalk or indoors on a chalkboard or construction paper.
  6. Hopscotch, Jump Rope & Hoola-hoop: turn it into an obstacle course.
  7. Visit the Zoo: It's free and educational. Make sure to pack a lunch and snacks.
  8. Visit a Museum: Some are free or have kid day for cheaper admission.
  9. Go to the Park or Playground
  10. Picnic in the Park: or even a tea party!
  11. Visit the BookStore: They have books, toys, and some even have group reading and children's activities.
  12. Visit the Library: It's free and you can get your child his/her first library card. You could even make it a weekly field trip.
  13. Pinterest Arts & Crafts: You can find a tutorial for anything on Pinterest!
  14. Bubbles
  15. Bike/Scooter Ride
  16. Visit an Animal Shelter: Bring along some pet supplies to donate. It's a fun field trip to show your child the importance of giving and volunteering.
  17. Create a Garden: Outdoor or Indoor in some pots. It's fun and gives your child something to look forward to.
  18. Bathtub Paint: Hours of fun. Guaranteed. Target has some in their dollar spot from Crayola.
  19. Board games
  20. Painting: Think outside the box. Paint bottles, rocks, paper, bodies. 
  21. Movie Night: Don't forget the popcorn and candy!
  22. Play a game of Kickball: or any other sport!
  23. I Spy: Take turns looking for specifics. So much fun and it can last for hours.
  24. Puzzles
  25. Cooking with Nature: Make mud pies, sand soup, rock burgers. It gives your child a chance to get a little dirty and creative.

Have a fun & safe summer!

Love & Light,
